Purchase & Vendor Management

Integrate Vendors into your business processes – obtain quotations, track inbound shipments and share demand forecasts.

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The Purchase module in CommerceCore™ is fully integrated into the Inventory and Sales modules. For drop-shipping processes, automatic purchases processes are triggered. Similarly, when stock levels are falling low CommerceCore™ allows an easy forward path to trigger procurement processes.

The focus is to provide an easy user experience for company purchasers to ensure timely procurement.

Multiple Vendors per Product

Vendor Fields

Following vendor data-points/fields can be maintained per product in CommerceCore™.

  • Vendor name

  • Purchase price

  • Delivery lead-time

  • Vendor product name

  • Vendor product code

  • Minimum order quantity (MoQ)

  • Delivery lead-time

  • Unit of (purchase) Measure (UoM)

  • Currency of purchasing

Vendor Pricelists

Vendor Pricelists allow for the overview of pricing of specific products, and product-variants on a single comprehensive view.

Grouping by Products or Vendors allows for an even more focused overview.

Vendor Communication

As with other CommerceCore™ modules, the Chatter allows for excellent communication possibilities with your Vendors.

Create PurchaseOrder templates, or delivery reminders or payment notices – all in the familiar context of the specific business transaction.

Contacts and Vendor Database

Your Vendor database is available on CommerceCore™, complete with contact information of counterparts, for easy email or telephone outreach.

RFQ to Multiple Vendors

Coming soon..

This feature will be available in the following versions of CommerceCore™. You can go back to User-Documentation, sign up for a free trial or contact us for a free consultation.

Warehouse Integration

Buy Orders based on Stock Status

While warehouse staff processes orders, they have an option on Delivery Notes to trigger purchase processes in case certain product is found to be low on stock.

Stock Replenishment

To see how inventory can be replenished, please view Inventory → Stock Replenishment.

Sales Integration

Integrated Dropshipping Processes

Whether you rely on dropshipping partners either partially or entirely for customer deliveries, the sales-integration with Purchase processes enables the automatic creation of POs upon the confirmation of an order.

Read more about Dropshipping here. →

Low-stock Signal in Sales Process

CommerceCore™ already signals order-processing staff about any product that is available only low in stock.

From here on, CommerceCore™ provides an overview of the overall stock situation, including the stock available On Hand, the Forecasted stock and any pending Purchase Orders.