It is known that the Simplify™ Shopware-Odoo connector is able to import products one-time directly from Shopware into Odoo, as preparation for Multichannel E-Commerce.
This gives online merchants with existing Shopware shops the great advantage of being active with Odoo Multichannel E-Commerce with least effort of making product data available in Odoo, resulting in the fastest time-to-market. Product data is indeed essential for functions like creating SaleOrders and Invoices.
As is already know, Simplify’s Odoo Multichannel E-Commerce solution relies on a Master and Clone strategy for product management between Odoo’s native product.product model and individual online sales Channels.

Subsequently they are also saved into the Shopware channel clone.
Furthermore, these products can be used in other sales-channels, as if they originated in Odoo master data-set.