Single Point of Contact

When you are working with OdooHire developers, you have the facility of engaging by default and Odoo Business Analyst (BA) as a single point of contact (SPOC) that handles communication and coordination of development activities. A SPOC is responsible for day-to-day communication, management, and the prompt settlement of service requests and responses. A video call, a phone call or text message, or a good old email can all be used to reach them.

Sie stellen alle Inputs zusammen und verwalten sie auf kohärente Weise, um Ihnen einen oder mehrere Outputs zu liefern und gleichzeitig sicherzustellen, dass Ihre Anforderungen ordnungsgemäß verwaltet und angepasst werden.

The Triad

Our Customers, Developers and Business Analysts collaborate successfully in a triad.

The benefits of engaging a
Single Point of Contact

Allows you to concentrate on your daily work by simplifying the management of your Odoo projects.

Bietet eine einfache Möglichkeit, Informationen und Anfragen zu koordinieren und abzugleichen.

As requests and tasks come in, the project's SPOC prioritises them according to the Customer's business outcomes.

Even for complex multi-country, multi-site projects, the SPOC provides unified responses.

Die Konsistenz der Kommunikation ist gewährleistet.

Provides unified responses to a variety of requests and responses from Customer, Developers and other project stakeholders and service providers.

Beseitigt das Rätselraten darüber, wer für verschiedene Arten von Anfragen zu kontaktieren ist.

Removes the probability of miscommunication and incorrect or inconsistent interpretations.

Saves Customers time by allowing them to submit a single request for several entities.

Understands problems in a wider context and devices far reaching solutions.

Übernimmt die Führung bei der Steigerung der Kundenzufriedenheit im Laufe der Zeit.